My name is Kathy Jaccarino and I am a high school librarian at Brockport High School. I signed up for this program to try and stay on top of the new technologies out there! I am sorry that I am starting so late. I must admit, it sounded like such a great idea back in Sept. when I signed up, but the year has been a busy one and I am finding it tough to keep up. I think once I get started the momentum will follow. Thank goodness for winter break!
I have used blogs in the past, to set up class discussions and even for an online literary magazine...but got away from using them. But, now that our district will be going 1:1 next year, I think it is time to bring them back. So, some of these fresh and exciting new ideas and uses for blogs will come in handy, I hope!
I liked the article from Teach through Technology that discussed reasons why students should blog. This was refreshing and I gleaned some new reasons! Not that this is new, but I especially like this: that it gives students a reason to use proper grammar and punctuation.... "Nobody wants to look like a fool. No matter how many times they tell you they don't care, they do. Posting their work online so anybody can read it is self motivating for them to focus on grammar and punctuation. It gives them the exposure and experience they need to become better writers from a grammatical sense." I will be sharing this article with my ELA dept. and principal, as we struggle to raise the bar and get students away from text-writing!